What to Expect Post-Hair Transplant Surgery

In this episode, Dr. Daniel A. Danyo talks about common questions he receives regarding the after-surgery experience. The answers to many of these questions may surprise you!

Do Transplanted Hairs Usually Fall Out?

90% of the time, when you take hair from other parts of the body and put in on the head, the hair in the graft will fall out after transplantation. This is called shedding and should not alarm you – it’s normal, it’s healthy, and it means that the follicle is functioning normally.

  • Scabs will also form after the surgery – also healthy and normal – and the doctor tells his patients to work on getting rid of all those by around day 10.
  • Your new hair will grow in perfectly well within the next 3 to 4 months.
  • This process is also an upside, since it means the regrowth will be subtle and less of a noticeable change for people around you to notice.
  • It can take a whole year to 18 months get the full density and regrowth hair restoration surgery provides.

How Soon Can I be Back in the Gym After Hair Restoration Surgery?

Dr. Danyo recommends this time scale after surgery:

  • First 4 days – Do some walking, but don’t sweat heavily or lift weights right after the procedure. Why not? Exertion can cause some face swelling and exacerbate soreness, which can be unpleasant. But even if you do overdo it, it shouldn’t cause permanent issues with the grafts.
  • Day 4 – Start doing “open exercises”, meaning light weights and activities that don’t elevate your blood pressure much or use a lot of muscle groups. Good examples are bicep curls with one arm, isolated leg exercises that aren’t. Avoid things like bench press, pushups or cardio. The goal is to continue to avoid swelling.
  • Day 7 – Unrestricted exercise is allowed. Get back into your routine. You’ll be back to normal in as little as a week, and the doctor wants you to resume your healthy lifestyle.

How Much Pain Should I Expect After Surgery?

Good surgical technique minimizes pain considerably. The doctor makes sure there is total pain control during the procedure, using the minimum effective amount of medication. Dr. Danyo sometimes also performs local acupuncture – he’s a certified acupuncturist – to treat any tenderness or irritation that develops, or he may use a very low dose of Botox. After the procedure, the doctor recommends Tylenol, as stronger pain medication usually isn’t needed.

When Can I Wear a Hat After My Hair Transplant Surgery?

You can wear a baseball hat right out the door. As long as the brim of the hat is not sitting on the grafts, you’re fine. Just be careful putting it on and taking it off. No knit hats. No do-rags. The clinginess can pull the grafts out post-surgery, which of course you do not want. Wait about 2 weeks before wearing hats that cling.

Are Hats Bad to Wear in General? Do Hats Cause Hair Loss?

Dr. Danyo says he wouldn’t worry about hats causing hair loss as long as they’re clean and not wildly tight. Wear them if you like.

How Soon Can I Bathe After Hair Graft Surgery?

You see a lot of different recommendations on the internet, but Dr. Danyo tells his patients to shower the very same night after the procedure.

  • It will make the healing process more comfortable, get the drainage from the grafts off, and keep the scabs from forming too thickly.
  • He says has never had a patient wash a graft out.
  • The doctor then tells his patients to wash twice a day for the first 4 days after the procedure.
  • It’s a gentle wash with baby shampoo using only light patting, followed by a light blow-dry to keep regular hair from drying on top of and sticking to the new grafts.
  • Good, regular washing helps you have lighter scabbing, less itching and faster healing.

Ready to Move Forward With a Hair Restoration, or Still Trying to Decide?

If you want to learn more, listen to the full episode or the doctor’s other podcasts in this series. Plus, check out some of thhttps://nahairrestoration.com/podcasts/e great informational videos Dr. Danyo has made for his patients.

You can also book an informational consultation with Dr. Danyo online or by calling (678) 845-7521.

Dr Daniel A Danyo

Dr. Daniel A. Danyo

As a hair transplant patient himself, Dr. Danyo intimately understands his patients’ desire to achieve natural-looking results. He combines extensive training, experience and artistry with surgical precision to provide innovative solutions to hair restoration.

Daniel A. Danyo, MD is one of less than 250 doctors in the world certified by the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery, the only recognized certification for hair restoration surgery. He founded North Atlanta Hair Restoration in 2012 to provide advanced restoration techniques in a medically safe environment. As a triathlete who has completed two full Ironman triathlons, Dr. Danyo brings a high level of stamina, focus and perseverance to each procedure. He frequently takes on 2,500 grafts or more, a size most other clinics don’t attempt.

Dr. Danyo recently completed a Physician Executive MBA at Auburn University. The extension of the MBA to his resume greatly enhances the patient experience through improved efficiency and effectiveness techniques learned during his program at Auburn. It represents Dr. Danyo's pursuit of perfection and his desire to place his patients first.

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