A True Story: When Your Hair Restoration Procedure Goes Wrong

Michael* lives in Miami. He loves the city, its culture, and its scenery. He especially loves the food.

But he doesn’t have many good things to say about the options for hair restoration.

In 2016, Michael decided he’d had enough with his thinning hair. He researched practices in his area and scheduled consultations with two different doctors.

Those appointments went okay, but he wasn’t thrilled by either clinic. “Both places seemed like factories, like I was just a number.”

Still, Michael figured that the professionals must have known what they were doing. He scheduled his procedure with one of the clinics.

When Michael’s appointment began, he was distressed to learn that technicians would be extracting his hair follicles, not a doctor. A technician also was responsible for numbing his scalp.

“The bedside manner was terrible. I felt like they were forcing me through an assembly line.”

Michael was decently happy with the results of his procedure, but the experience left a bad taste in his mouth. It had been so unpleasant; he couldn’t imagine ever going back.

Five years later, Michael was ready for another hair restoration procedure. He wanted to finally achieve his hair goals, but he did not want to return to the practice he visited in 2016.

“It was not something I wanted to deal with again,” he says.

He jumped online and started searching for hair restoration clinics in other states.

“I figured, why not try some medical tourism?” he quips.


Dr. Danyo Makes Hair Restoration Easy

I ask how Michael found North Atlanta Hair Restoration and Dr. Daniel Danyo. He shrugs and says, “When you search for No-Shave FUE, he’s the first person that comes up.”

This is understandable; Dr. Danyo is one of the world’s leading practitioners of Shave-Less FUE hair restoration.


What is FUE?

Michael’s first procedure had been traditional FUE, which stands for “Follicular Unit Excision.” During FUE, hair follicles are removed individually from an area of the scalp where the hair is thickest (the “donor site”). Usually, that means the back or sides of the head.

Then, the follicles are transplanted to areas of the scalp with thinning hair. The follicles retain the genetic markers of the donor site, and after 3 to 4 months, they begin to produce new hairs.

During traditional FUE, one’s scalp is shaved. That’s how Michael’s first procedure went.

He felt overexposed by the process; he says it was invasive, despite being an outpatient procedure.

“You have your regular hair, then you go in for the procedure, and suddenly your head is shaved, and there’s blood everywhere,” he says.

He felt it was evident to everyone, like his coworkers and friends, that he’d had a hair transplant.

He tells me when he came home after the treatment, his kids were shocked. “My head was shaved, and there was scabbing all over my scalp. They said I looked like I went to war.”


Why You Would Choose Shave-Less FUE

For his second procedure, Michael knew he wanted a doctor who performed Shave-Less FUE.

No-Shave FUE is much more discreet than traditional FUE. Patients do not have to shave their heads and can return to work and other daily activities nearly immediately.

Dr. Danyo isn’t just a pioneer in No-Shave FUE; he’s also one of only a few hair restoration doctors in the world who extracts and places each graft on each patient.


North Atlanta Hair Restoration Offers a Personalized Experience

Besides Dr. Danyo’s expertise with No-Shave FUE, Michael was also drawn to North Atlanta Hair Restoration by the many excellent reviews he found online.

Dr. Danyo shepherds every patient through the entire process. From their first consultation to their 6-month checkup following the procedure, Dr. Danyo is present and available to answer any questions.

Based on these excellent testimonials, he booked an online consultation with Dr. Danyo. Thanks to telemedicine, it is possible to offer these first appointments over video chat.

Not only is this a wise precaution in the age of COVID-19, but it makes it much easier for out-of-town patients to have their treatments performed at North Atlanta Hair Restoration. Michael only had to make one trip to Atlanta for the procedure itself.

Even during the consultation, Michael was impressed with Dr. Danyo’s bedside manner. “His attention to detail was wonderful; he explained everything thoroughly,” Michael says. “I never felt like I was being rushed, or he was trying to hurry off to do something else.”

I asked how this compares to his 2016 procedure in Florida. “Night and day,” he replies, “Couldn’t be more different.”


Shave-Less FUE Results Speak for Themselves

Michael planned his procedure around a vacation. He set aside a week in July 2021 to visit Lake Oconee. He relaxed and enjoyed a few days away from work.

The evening before his procedure, he stayed in a hotel near North Atlanta Hair Restoration, as they were starting early Friday morning.

We spoke a week later, and I asked how his recovery has been. “Recovery? What recovery? There was nothing to recover from,” he says. The day after the treatment, he drove the full ten hours back to Miami, starting at 8:30 am.

“It’s like nothing happened at all. I picked my life right back up and kept going.”

Unlike his traditional FUE procedure in 2016, Michael said his Shave-Less FUE results are unnoticeable. “You can’t tell at all that anything was done,” he emphasizes.

I asked how his kids responded – after all, they had strong reactions to the first procedure.

He laughs and says they didn’t even notice. “One of them asked, ‘I thought you went to do the hair thing?’ I said, ‘I did,’ and I had to point out on my head where it had happened.”

This time his kids weren’t scared; they were intrigued.

“It’s less shocking to yourself and everyone around you if you go Shave-Less,” Michael says.

Proper aftercare is essential to achieve optimal results with Shave-Less FUE. After his first hair restoration procedure, Michael didn’t feel entirely secure with his aftercare routine.

“It felt a bit like they kicked me out the door and sent me on my way.”

But North Atlanta Hair Restoration sent him home with plenty of written information, as well as a goody bag of items to help him through his recovery.

After a procedure with North Atlanta Hair restoration, patients are sent home with:

  • Pillowcases to protect the patient’s bedding in case of any post-procedure mess
  • A car seat headrest cover
  • A spray bottle full of water, the transplanted follicles moist for the first several days
  • Packets of antibiotic ointment

Of his aftercare package, Michael says, “They really thought of everything.”

Once you are a patient of North Atlanta Hair Restoration, you are a patient for life. Dr. Danyo is dedicated to helping his patients achieve their optimal look. If you ever have any questions following your procedure, you can meet with the doctor in person or virtually to have your concerns addressed.

Michael says that despite the distance, he would 100% come back up North Atlanta Hair Restoration if he needs another procedure.

“I wouldn’t go to anybody but Dr. Danyo. He’s the very best.”


No-Shave FUE in Atlanta

Dr. Danyo understands how frustrating and demoralizing hair loss can be because he’s experienced it himself.

He says:

“I underwent a traditional FUE procedure many years ago. While I was eventually pleased with the results, the recovery was awkward – almost traumatic. I thought everybody knew why my head was suddenly shaved, and I hated the attention it drew to me.”

Dr. Danyo has been refining his techniques in Shave-Less FUE since 2013 and is considered one of the foremost practitioners in the world.

He has performed over 1 million graft excisions and placements and approaches his work as an artist. Dr. Danyo says,

“To achieve a natural look, you have to go in with an artist’s eve. I take care to examine the natural hair growth on each of my patients and to place their follicles in a way that makes their results look seamless.”

If you struggle with hair loss, you don’t have to forever. Whether you live in Atlanta or across the country, North Atlanta Hair Restoration and Dr. Danyo can help you feel like yourself again.

Call us right now at (678) 845-7521 or click here to book a consultation.

*Patients name has been changed due to privacy.

Dr Daniel A Danyo

Dr. Daniel A. Danyo

As a hair transplant patient himself, Dr. Danyo intimately understands his patients’ desire to achieve natural-looking results. He combines extensive training, experience and artistry with surgical precision to provide innovative solutions to hair restoration.

Daniel A. Danyo, MD is one of less than 250 doctors in the world certified by the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery, the only recognized certification for hair restoration surgery. He founded North Atlanta Hair Restoration in 2012 to provide advanced restoration techniques in a medically safe environment. As a triathlete who has completed two full Ironman triathlons, Dr. Danyo brings a high level of stamina, focus and perseverance to each procedure. He frequently takes on 2,500 grafts or more, a size most other clinics don’t attempt.

Dr. Danyo recently completed a Physician Executive MBA at Auburn University. The extension of the MBA to his resume greatly enhances the patient experience through improved efficiency and effectiveness techniques learned during his program at Auburn. It represents Dr. Danyo's pursuit of perfection and his desire to place his patients first.

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