A Smooth and Successful Hair Restoration Process, With No Surprises

A Nagging Problem

Early into his 40s James had been living a healthy lifestyle and practicing good habits, and he looked younger than his years despite a busy work schedule.

But one thing that always bothered him was his continuously receding hairline, although he knew was it not nearly as noticeable to others as it was to him.

Nevertheless, it was a source of dissatisfaction, leading James to seek improvement through topical and oral treatment with Rogaine and Propecia.

These two interventions together helped curb the hair loss process and made his remaining hair look thicker—but they did little to proactively regrow what he had lost or restore his original hairline.

He wanted to not just stop the clock on hair loss, but to turn back the hands of time to when his hairline looked like “his” – and not someone else’s.

This led him to start looking at hair restoration procedures, and he started conducting very thorough research on all his options.

The Search for Answers

James describes his process in researching any topic as “exhaustive”, and his search for answers to his hair loss issue was no exception.

He read up on all the different types of surgical and non-surgical interventions and learned everything he could about the hair restoration techniques that are currently available.

He knew he wanted a procedure that actually worked, one that had little downtime, and one that would not be noticeable to friends, colleagues or anyone else – even right after he had it done.

It wasn’t until he discussed the matter with a fellow colleague, however, that he felt truly comfortable in taking the next step.

This colleague told him about his own great experience with Dr. Danyo, citing his expertise, professionalism, and renown within the industry as well as his commitment to his patients.

What swayed James most was hearing about the doctor’s focus on service, results and follow up, and the fact that the colleague was a trusted friend – one whom he hadn’t even noticed had had a procedure!

It was this seamless, discreet experience that James had been seeking, so he decided to schedule a consultation at North Atlanta Hair Restoration right then and there.

The Consultation with Dr. Danyo

From the moment he walked in, James noticed the office was soothing, clean and hygienic and the staff was welcoming and highly professional.

Talking to Dr. Danyo was a very informative process, as he explained in detail what needed to be done, what to expect and how things would proceed if he elected to go ahead with a Shave-less FUE hair restoration.

Competitively Priced

All that research meant James knew what the most effective hair restoration procedures could cost, and it turned out that Dr. Danyo’s quote for his No-shave FUE procedure was quite competitive for such a high-end surgical process.

The cost of every hair transplant treatment varies based on the degree of hair loss, the hair characteristics, and the type of treatment needed, and specialist Dr. Danyo personally performs every procedure – with skilled assistance from his team – himself.

James was pleased to learn that the doctor would be hand-placing all the grafts, and that the cost for this procedure was well in line with what he was expecting.

Great App-Based Communication Process

Even prior to the appointment, James was impressed with the office’s use of a user-friendly app to maintain open and informative communication. The staff was very available and responsive, but the app’s notifications were always discreet and never disruptive.

The Hair Restoration Process with Dr. Danyo

The procedure Dr. Danyo performed on James is his specialty, and it is known as No-shave or Shave-less FUE.

It is a minimally invasive surgical restoration method that leaves no linear scar and doesn’t require you to shave your head.

The process consists of Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), where healthy hair follicles are extracted from elsewhere on the head, body or beard.

These follicles are then carefully re-placed in the area of hair loss, with special precision to ensure robust growth and alignment with the hair’s existing natural direction and texture.

For James, the FUE process consisted of 1500 grafts taken from the back of his head and then placed carefully to restore his original hairline.

As with all of Dr. Danyo’s Shave-less FUE procedures, the areas of extraction and transplantation appeared almost untouched, with existing hair covering and blending into the areas where the procedure was done.

Dr. Danyo is known for his skill at creating new hair growth with a natural appearance, and he carefully avoids placement that is too linear or cookie-cutter in appearance.

His special technique achieves superior depth control and protects the health of the transplanted follicles, for maximum growth with a minimum of unviable transplants.

Because of this, James’ FUE procedure was very successful, and he was extremely pleased with the natural texture and growth of his newly transplanted hair.

A follow up appointment added an extra 150 grafts, to further fill, blend and perfect the appearance of James’ newly restored hairline.

The Takeaway

Although no surgery is ever an entirely pleasant process, James appreciated what a good job Dr. Danyo and his staff did in openly communicating what was going to happen and setting up expectations every step of the way.

He liked their focus on communication and their attentiveness at preparing him to heal. He said they were excellent at reassuring him and explaining exactly where he was in the steps of recovery.

The hair restoration process went exactly as Dr. Danyo explained it would, and James felt fine even during minor discomforts because he knew what to expect.

He was able to go back to work without delay and felt totally up to speed and normal the week afterward.

For him, the overall experience was highly positive and, as he puts it: “for a procedure that is inherently somewhat unpleasant, they make it as seamless and relaxing as possible.”

Life After Hair Restoration

So, how did the procedure change things for James?

He says it has been a noticeable improvement for him that ripples through all aspects of his life.

Although he acknowledges that no one would ever have suggested he needed hair restoration, he says “it improves confidence, and you feel healthier and more attractive afterward.”

James especially likes that the procedure is done in such a discreet way, so that no one ever has to know you’ve had it done.

He says people just notice you look a little more vibrant, and they feel your new energy without knowing exactly what it is that changed.

That was the change James was after, and he has been very pleased with the process and its results.

Ready to Feel More Confident, Healthy and Attractive?

Schedule a meeting with Dr. Danyo today. You can book online, or call us at (678) 845-7521 to schedule a virtual or in-person consultation.

All consultations are done by Dr. Danyo personally, so you can get the benefit of his knowledge and experience and get to know the doctor who will be in charge of your care.

Our staff are also here to answer any of your questions, so don’t hesitate to call and ask us anything that’s on your mind.

Dr Daniel A Danyo

Dr. Daniel A. Danyo

As a hair transplant patient himself, Dr. Danyo intimately understands his patients’ desire to achieve natural-looking results. He combines extensive training, experience and artistry with surgical precision to provide innovative solutions to hair restoration.

Daniel A. Danyo, MD is one of less than 250 doctors in the world certified by the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery, the only recognized certification for hair restoration surgery. He founded North Atlanta Hair Restoration in 2012 to provide advanced restoration techniques in a medically safe environment. As a triathlete who has completed two full Ironman triathlons, Dr. Danyo brings a high level of stamina, focus and perseverance to each procedure. He frequently takes on 2,500 grafts or more, a size most other clinics don’t attempt.

Dr. Danyo recently completed a Physician Executive MBA at Auburn University. The extension of the MBA to his resume greatly enhances the patient experience through improved efficiency and effectiveness techniques learned during his program at Auburn. It represents Dr. Danyo's pursuit of perfection and his desire to place his patients first.

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